v. t. See Encyst. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. See Encysted. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ F. inceste, L. incestum unchastity, incest, fr. incestus unchaste; pref. in- not + castus chaste. See Chaste. ] The crime of cohabitation or sexual intercourse between persons related within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law;
Spiritual incest. (Eccl. Law)
a. [ L. incestuosus: cf. F. incestueux. ]
Ere you reach to this incestuous love,
You must divine and human rights remove. Dryden.
n. [ F. inceste, L. incestum unchastity, incest, fr. incestus unchaste; pref. in- not + castus chaste. See Chaste. ] The crime of cohabitation or sexual intercourse between persons related within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law;
Spiritual incest. (Eccl. Law)
a. [ L. incestuosus: cf. F. incestueux. ]
Ere you reach to this incestuous love,
You must divine and human rights remove. Dryden.