a. [ Cf. F. érugineux. See æruginous. ] Partaking of the substance or nature of copper, or of the rust of copper; resembling the rust of copper or verdigris; æruginous. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. aeruginosus, fr. aerugo rust of copper, fr. aes copper: cf. F. érugineux. ] Of the nature or color of verdigris, or the rust of copper. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. aeruginosus, fr. aerugo rust of copper, fr. aes copper: cf. F. érugineux. ] Of the nature or color of verdigris, or the rust of copper. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ Cf. F. érugineux. See æruginous. ] Partaking of the substance or nature of copper, or of the rust of copper; resembling the rust of copper or verdigris; æruginous. [ 1913 Webster ]