a. [ Pref. di- + -plex, as in duplex. ] (Teleg.) Pertaining to the sending of two messages in the same direction at the same time.
‖a. [ L., fr. duo two + plicare to fold. See Two, and Complex. ]
Duplex escapement,
Duplex lathe,
Duplex pumping engine,
Duplex querela [ L., double complaint ] (Eccl. Law),
Duplex telegraphy,
Duplex watch,
half duplex (Computers)
full duplex, (Computers)
v. t. [ See Duplex, a. ] (Teleg.) To arrange, as a telegraph line, so that two messages may be transmitted simultaneously; to equip with a duplex telegraphic outfit. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
n. [ See Duplex, a. ]
n. (Radio) a device which switches electronic circuitry so that a radio antenna can function as either a transmitting or receiving antenna. [ PJC ]
‖a. [ L., fr. duo two + plicare to fold. See Two, and Complex. ]
Duplex escapement,
Duplex lathe,
Duplex pumping engine,
Duplex querela [ L., double complaint ] (Eccl. Law),
Duplex telegraphy,
Duplex watch,
half duplex (Computers)
full duplex, (Computers)
v. t. [ See Duplex, a. ] (Teleg.) To arrange, as a telegraph line, so that two messages may be transmitted simultaneously; to equip with a duplex telegraphic outfit. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]
n. [ See Duplex, a. ]
n. (Radio) a device which switches electronic circuitry so that a radio antenna can function as either a transmitting or receiving antenna. [ PJC ]