n. [ Gr. &unr_; to see through; &unr_; = dia` through + &unr_; to see; cf. &unr_; that which is seen, a sight: cf. F. diorama. Cf. Panorama. ] 1. A mode of scenic representation, invented by Daguerre and Bouton, in which a painting is seen from a distance through a large opening. By a combination of transparent and opaque painting, and of transmitted and reflected light, and by contrivances such as screens and shutters, much diversity of scenic effect is produced. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. A building used for such an exhibition. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Gr. &unr_; to see through; &unr_; = dia` through + &unr_; to see; cf. &unr_; that which is seen, a sight: cf. F. diorama. Cf. Panorama. ] 1. A mode of scenic representation, invented by Daguerre and Bouton, in which a painting is seen from a distance through a large opening. By a combination of transparent and opaque painting, and of transmitted and reflected light, and by contrivances such as screens and shutters, much diversity of scenic effect is produced. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. A building used for such an exhibition. [ 1913 Webster ]
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