a. [ Gr. &unr_; = &unr_; to knock, beat. ] (Physiol.)
a. [ L. diureticus, Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; to make water; &unr_; through + &unr_; to make water, fr. &unr_; urine: cf. F. diurétique. ] (Med.) Tending to increase the secretion and discharge of urine. --
Diuretic salt (Med.),
a. Diuretic. [ Obs. ] Boyle. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. The quality of being diuretical; diuretic property. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. diureticus, Gr. &unr_;, fr. &unr_; to make water; &unr_; through + &unr_; to make water, fr. &unr_; urine: cf. F. diurétique. ] (Med.) Tending to increase the secretion and discharge of urine. --
Diuretic salt (Med.),
a. Diuretic. [ Obs. ] Boyle. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. The quality of being diuretical; diuretic property. [ 1913 Webster ]