n. [ LL. dentillus, for L. denticulus. See Dentil. ] (Zool.) A small tooth, like that of a saw. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L. gentilis belonging to the same clan, stock, race, people, or nation; in opposition to
☞ The Hebrews included in the term gōyim, or nations, all the tribes of men who had not received the true faith, and were not circumcised. The Christians translated gōyim by the L. gentes, and imitated the Jews in giving the name
n. (Zool.) See Falcon-gentil. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ OF. gentilesse, gentelise, F. gentillesse. See Gentle. a. ] Gentleness; courtesy; kindness; nobility. [ Obs. ] Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L. gentilis belonging to the same clan, stock, race, people, or nation; in opposition to
☞ The Hebrews included in the term gōyim, or nations, all the tribes of men who had not received the true faith, and were not circumcised. The Christians translated gōyim by the L. gentes, and imitated the Jews in giving the name
n. (Zool.) See Falcon-gentil. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ OF. gentilesse, gentelise, F. gentillesse. See Gentle. a. ] Gentleness; courtesy; kindness; nobility. [ Obs. ] Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]