a. [ L. dedolens, p. pr. of dedolere to give over grieving; de- + dolere to grieve. ] Feeling no compunction; apathetic. [ R. ] Hallywell. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ L. redolens, -entis, p. pr. of redolere to emit a scent, diffuse an odor; pref. red-, re-, re- + olere to emit a smell. See Odor. ] Diffusing odor or fragrance; spreading sweet scent; scented; odorous; smelling; -- usually followed by of. “Honey redolent of spring.” Dryden. --
Gales . . . redolent of joy and youth. Gray. [1913 Webster]
a. [ L. redolens, -entis, p. pr. of redolere to emit a scent, diffuse an odor; pref. red-, re-, re- + olere to emit a smell. See Odor. ] Diffusing odor or fragrance; spreading sweet scent; scented; odorous; smelling; -- usually followed by of. “Honey redolent of spring.” Dryden. --
Gales . . . redolent of joy and youth. Gray. [1913 Webster]