n. [ NL., fr. L. decipere to deceive. ] (Chem.) A supposed rare element, said to be associated with cerium, yttrium, etc., in the mineral samarskite, and more recently called samarium. Symbol Dp. See Samarium. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ L., fr. delirare to rave, to wander in mind, prop., to go out of the furrow in plowing; de- + lira furrow, track; perh. akin to G. geleise track, rut, and E. last to endure. ]
The popular delirium [ of the French Revolution ] at first caught his enthusiastic mind. W. Irving. [ 1913 Webster ]
The delirium of the preceding session (of Parliament). Morley. [ 1913 Webster ]
Delirium tremens [ L., trembling delirium ] (Med.),
Traumatic delirium (Med.),
n. [ L., fr. delirare to rave, to wander in mind, prop., to go out of the furrow in plowing; de- + lira furrow, track; perh. akin to G. geleise track, rut, and E. last to endure. ]
The popular delirium [ of the French Revolution ] at first caught his enthusiastic mind. W. Irving. [ 1913 Webster ]
The delirium of the preceding session (of Parliament). Morley. [ 1913 Webster ]
Delirium tremens [ L., trembling delirium ] (Med.),
Traumatic delirium (Med.),