a. Like a huswife; capable; economical; prudent. --
n. [ OE. huswif; hus house + wif wife. Cf. Hussy a housewife, Housewife. ]
The huswife is she that do labor doth fall. Tusser. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t. To manage with frugality; -- said of a woman. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. The business of a housewife; female domestic economy and skill. Tusser. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ OE. huswif; hus house + wif wife. Cf. Hussy a housewife, Housewife. ]
The huswife is she that do labor doth fall. Tusser. [ 1913 Webster ]
v. t. To manage with frugality; -- said of a woman. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Like a huswife; capable; economical; prudent. --
n. The business of a housewife; female domestic economy and skill. Tusser. [ 1913 Webster ]