n. 1. The quality of being forgetful; prononess to let slip from the mind. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. Loss of remembrance or recollection; a ceasing to remember; oblivion. [ 1913 Webster ]
A sweet forgetfulness of human care. Pope. [ 1913 Webster ]
3. Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention; as, forgetfulness of duty.
Syn. -- Forgetfulnes, Oblivion.Forgetfulness is Anglo-Saxon, and oblivion is Latin. The former commonly has reference to persons, and marks a state of mind; the latter commonly has reference to things, and indicates a condition into which they are sunk. We blame a man for his forgetfulness; we speak of some old custom as buried in oblivion. But this discrimination is not strictly adhered to. [ 1913 Webster ]
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