‖n.; pl. E. Togas L. Togae [ L., akin to tegere to cover. See Thatch. ] (Rom. Antiq.) The loose outer garment worn by the ancient Romans, consisting of a single broad piece of woolen cloth of a shape approaching a semicircle. It was of undyed wool, except the border of the toga praetexta. [ 1913 Webster ]
‖ Toga praetexta. [ L. ], a toga with a broad purple border, worn by children of both sexes, by magistrates, and by persons engaged in sacred rites. -- ‖ Toga virilis [ L. ], the manly gown; the common toga. This was assumed by Roman boys about the time of completing their fourteenth year. [ 1913 Webster ]
[おあとがよろしいようで, oatogayoroshiiyoude](exp) (from rakugo) that's all from me, and now the next speaker ...; expression used to hand over to the next speaker[Add to Longdo]
[おさとがしれる, osatogashireru](exp, v1) (See お里, 親の顔が見たい) to reveal one's upbringing (through one's words, actions, etc.); to betray one's origin; to give oneself away[Add to Longdo]