n. [ NL., fr. Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, a shepherd's pipe, tube. Cf. Syringe. ] (Bot.)
n. [ F. seringue (cf. Pr. siringua, Sp. jeringa, It. sciringa, scilinga), fg. Gr. &unr_;, &unr_;, a pipe or tube; cf. Skr. svar to sound, and E. swarum. Cf. Syringa. ] A kind of small hand-pump for throwing a stream of liquid, or for purposes of aspiration. It consists of a small cylindrical barrel and piston, or a bulb of soft elastic material, with or without valves, and with a nozzle which is sometimes at the end of a flexible tube; -- used for injecting animal bodies, cleansing wounds, etc. [ 1913 Webster ]
Garden syringe.
v. t.
a. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the syrinx;
n. (Chem.) A glucoside found in the bark of the lilac (
‖n. [ Syrinx + Gr. &unr_; hollow. ] (Anat.) The central canal of the spinal cord. B. G. Wilder. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. F. syringotome. See Syringotomy. ] (Surg. & Anat.) A small blunt-pointed bistoury, -- used in syringotomy. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Gr. &unr_; a tube, a hollow sore + &unr_; to cut: cf. F. syringotomie. ] (Surg.) The operation of cutting for anal fistula. [ 1913 Webster ]