a. [ F. ] (Art) Marked with squares, generally by thin lines crossing at right angles and at equal intervals;
n. [ F. quadrille, n. fem., fr. Sp. cuadrilla meeting of four or more persons or It. quadriglia a band of soldiers, a sort of dance; dim. fr. L. quadra a square, fr. quattuor four. See Quadrate. ]
n. [ F. quadrille, n. masc., cf. It. quadriglio; or perhaps from the Spanish. See Quadrille a dance. ] A game played by four persons with forty cards, being the remainder of an ordinary pack after the tens, nines, and eights are discarded. Hoyle. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ F. ] (Art) Marked with squares, generally by thin lines crossing at right angles and at equal intervals;
n. [ F. quadrille, n. fem., fr. Sp. cuadrilla meeting of four or more persons or It. quadriglia a band of soldiers, a sort of dance; dim. fr. L. quadra a square, fr. quattuor four. See Quadrate. ]
n. [ F. quadrille, n. masc., cf. It. quadriglio; or perhaps from the Spanish. See Quadrille a dance. ] A game played by four persons with forty cards, being the remainder of an ordinary pack after the tens, nines, and eights are discarded. Hoyle. [ 1913 Webster ]