n. The Celtic people of Ireland. “The whole Irishry of rebels.” Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. [ AS. īrisc, fr. īras the Irish. Cf. Aryan, Erse. ] Of or pertaining to Ireland or to its inhabitants; produced in Ireland. [ 1913 Webster ]
Irish elk. (Zool.)
Irish moss.
Irish poplin.
Irish potato,
Irish reef,
Irishman's reef
Irish stew,
n. sing. & pl.
get one's Irish up
n. A mode of speaking peculiar to the Irish; an Hibernicism. [ 1913 Webster ]
Irishman's hurricane (Naut.),
Irishman's reef. (Naut.)
a. [ AS. īrisc, fr. īras the Irish. Cf. Aryan, Erse. ] Of or pertaining to Ireland or to its inhabitants; produced in Ireland. [ 1913 Webster ]
Irish elk. (Zool.)
Irish moss.
Irish poplin.
Irish potato,
Irish reef,
Irishman's reef
Irish stew,
n. sing. & pl.
get one's Irish up
n. A mode of speaking peculiar to the Irish; an Hibernicism. [ 1913 Webster ]
Irishman's hurricane (Naut.),
Irishman's reef. (Naut.)
n. The Celtic people of Ireland. “The whole Irishry of rebels.” Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]