n. A claymore. Johnson. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Gael. claidheamhmor a broadsword; Gael. claidheamh sword + mor great, large. Cf. Glaymore. ] A large two-handed sword used formerly by the Scottish Highlanders. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Mil.) an antipersonnel land mine designed to produce a high-velocity spray of steel fragments in a relatively narrow fan-shaped cone, directed toward the enemy. They are usually detonated by an electrical remote control. [ PJC ]
n. [ Gael. claidheamhmor a broadsword; Gael. claidheamh sword + mor great, large. Cf. Glaymore. ] A large two-handed sword used formerly by the Scottish Highlanders. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. (Mil.) an antipersonnel land mine designed to produce a high-velocity spray of steel fragments in a relatively narrow fan-shaped cone, directed toward the enemy. They are usually detonated by an electrical remote control. [ PJC ]