a. [ L. fluvialis, from fluvius river, fr. fluere to flow: cf.F. fluvial. See Fluent. ] Belonging to rivers; growing or living in streams or ponds; as, a fluvial plant. [ 1913 Webster ]
[かじか;とふぎょ(杜父魚);カジカ, kajika ; tofugyo ( mori chichi sakana ); kajika](n) (1) (uk) sculpin (any fish of family Cottidae, inc. the bullheads and the miller's-thumb); (2) Japanese fluvial sculpin (Cottus pollux)[Add to Longdo]
[ごり;ゴリ, gori ; gori](n) (1) (uk) (See ヨシノボリ) fish of the genus Rhinogobius; (2) (See チチブ) dusky tripletooth goby (Tridentiger obscurus); (3) (See ウキゴリ・1) common freshwater goby (Gymnogobius urotaenia); (4) (See 鰍) Japanese fluvial sculpin (fish, Cottus pollux)[Add to Longdo]