a. [ Gr. &unr_; in fire. See Empyreal. ] Containing the combustible principle of coal. Kirwan. [ 1913 Webster ]
In philosophical language, the term empirical means simply what belongs to or is the product of experience or observation. Sir W. Hamilton. [ 1913 Webster ]
The village carpenter . . . lays out his work by empirical rules learnt in his apprenticeship. H. Spencer. [ 1913 Webster ]
Empirical formula. (Chem.)
adv. By experiment or experience; without science; in the manner of quacks. [ 1913 Webster ]
In philosophical language, the term empirical means simply what belongs to or is the product of experience or observation. Sir W. Hamilton. [ 1913 Webster ]
The village carpenter . . . lays out his work by empirical rules learnt in his apprenticeship. H. Spencer. [ 1913 Webster ]
Empirical formula. (Chem.)
adv. By experiment or experience; without science; in the manner of quacks. [ 1913 Webster ]