n. 1. A city of Italy which has given its name to various objects. [ 1913 Webster ]
2. A Bologna sausage; also informally called baloney. [ 1913 Webster ]
Bologna sausage [ It. salsiccia di Bologna ], a large sausage made of bacon or ham, beef, veal, and pork, cooked and smoked, chopped fine and inclosed in a skin. -- Bologna stone (Min.), radiated barite, or barium sulphate, found in roundish masses composed of radiating fibers, first discovered near Bologna. It is phosphorescent when calcined. -- Bologna vial, a vial of unannealed glass which will fly into pieces when its surface is scratched by a hard body, as by dropping into it a fragment of flint; whereas a bullet may be dropped into it without injury. [ 1913 Webster ]
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