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 ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น: シャーク, *シャーク*
EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[sha-kusukin](n) shark skin; (P)[Add to Longdo]
[aisurandokyattosha-ku](n) Iceland catshark (Apristurus laurussonii, an Atlantic species)[Add to Longdo]
[indeiansuuerusha-ku ; indeian . suueru . sha-ku](n) Indian swellshark (Cephaloscyllium silasi, species of catshark from the western Indian Ocean)[Add to Longdo]
[uinguheddosha-ku ; uinguheddo . sha-ku](n) winghead shark (Eusphyra blochii, species of Indo-West Pacific hammerhead shark)[Add to Longdo]
[epo-rettosha-ku ; epo-retto . sha-ku](n) epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum); blind shark[Add to Longdo]
[epourettosha-ku](n) epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum)[Add to Longdo]
[o-shanikkuhowaitoteippusha-ku ; o-shanikku . howaitoteippu . sha-ku](n) oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)[Add to Longdo]
[o-sutorarian . ma-buru . kyattosha-ku ; o-sutorarianma-burukyattosha-ku](n) Australian marbled catshark (Atelomycterus macleayi, species endemic to Australia)[Add to Longdo]
[o-sutorariansuuerusha-ku](n) Australian swellshark (Cephaloscyllium laticeps, species of catshark which inhabits the continental shelf of southern Australia)[Add to Longdo]
[karibianri-fusha-ku ; karibian . ri-fu . sha-ku](n) Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezii, species of requiem shark found in the tropical waters of the western Atlantic Ocean from Florida to Brazil)[Add to Longdo]
[kariforuniasuuerusha-ku ; kariforunia . suueru . sha-ku](n) (See アメリカナヌカザメ) swellshark (Cephaloscyllium ventriosum, species of catshark in the Eastern Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[kuresuteddoho-nsha-ku](n) crested bullhead shark (Heterodontus galeatus, found in eastern Australia)[Add to Longdo]
[gureiri-fusha-ku ; gurei . ri-fu . sha-ku](n) grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, species of Indo-Pacific requiem shark)[Add to Longdo]
[sandoba-sha-ku ; sandoba-. sha-ku](n) (See ヤジブカ) sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus, a species of requiem shark)[Add to Longdo]
[shiruki-. sha-ku ; shiruki-sha-ku](n) silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis, species of circumtropical requiem shark)[Add to Longdo]
[shiruba-sha-ku ; shiruba-. sha-ku](n) silver shark (Balantiocheilos melanopterus); Bala shark; tricolor shark; shark minnow[Add to Longdo]
[shirowani ; sandotaiga-sha-ku](n) sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus)[Add to Longdo]
[su-pufinsha-ku ; su-pufin . sha-ku](n) (See イコクエイラクブカ) tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus); soupfin shark[Add to Longdo]
[supia-tou-su . sha-ku ; supia-tou-susha-ku](n) speartooth shark (Glyphis glyphis, species of fresh water requiem shark from the western Pacific known only from the original description of 1839)[Add to Longdo]
[supina-sha-ku ; supina-. sha-ku](n) spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna); long-nose grey shark[Add to Longdo]
[taiga-sha-ku](n) tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)[Add to Longdo]
[na-suhaundo ; na-suhaundosha-ku ; sukiriorainusu . suterarisu ; sukiriorainususuter](n) nursehound (Scyliorhinus stellaris, species of catshark in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean)[Add to Longdo]
[hanma-heddosha-ku ; hanma-heddo . sha-ku](n) hammerhead shark[Add to Longdo]
[baru-nsha-ku](n) balloon shark (Cephaloscyllium sufflans, species of catshark from the western Indian Ocean)[Add to Longdo]
[hiragashira ; mirukusha-ku](n) milk shark (Rhizoprionodon acutus, species of requiem shark found in the eastern Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[furirudosha-ku ; furirudo . sha-ku](n) frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus)[Add to Longdo]
[burakkuteippu . ri-fu . sha-ku ; burakkuteippuri-fusha-ku](n) (See 妻黒・1) blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus, species of requiem shark mostly found in the Indo-Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[burusha-ku ; buru . sha-ku](n) bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)[Add to Longdo]
[buro-dono-zu . sebungiru . sha-ku ; buro-dono-zusebungirusha-ku](n) (See えびすざめ) broadnose sevengill shark (Notorynchus cepedianus, species of circumglobal cow shark with 7 gill slits)[Add to Longdo]
[ho-nsha-ku ; kariforunianekozame](n) horn shark (Heterodontus francisci, a bullhead shark from the Eastern Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[howaitochi-kusha-ku ; howaitochi-ku . sha-ku](n) whitecheek shark (Carcharhinus dussumieri, species of the Indo-West Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[howaitochippuri-fusha-ku ; howaitochippu . ri-fu . sha-ku](n) whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus, species of Indo-Pacific requiem shark)[Add to Longdo]
[porukadotto . kyattosha-ku ; porukadottokyattosha-ku](n) polkadot catshark (Scyliorhinus besnardi, species from northern Uruguay)[Add to Longdo]
[rekuiemusha-ku ; rekuiemu . sha-ku](n) requiem shark[Add to Longdo]
[reddote-ruburakkusha-ku ; reddote-ru . burakku . sha-ku](n) red-tailed black shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor)[Add to Longdo]
[reteikyureiteiddosuuerusha-ku](n) reticulated swellshark (Cephaloscyllium fasciatum, species of catshark from the Western Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[repa-dosha-ku ; reopa-dosha-ku ; kariforuniadochizame](n) leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata, species found along the Pacific coast of North America)[Add to Longdo]
EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[aisurandokyattosha-ku](n) Iceland catshark (Apristurus laurussonii, an Atlantic species)[Add to Longdo]
[indeiansuuerusha-ku ; indeian . suueru . sha-ku](n) Indian swellshark (Cephaloscyllium silasi, species of catshark from the western Indian Ocean)[Add to Longdo]
[uinguheddosha-ku ; uinguheddo . sha-ku](n) winghead shark (Eusphyra blochii, species of Indo-West Pacific hammerhead shark)[Add to Longdo]
[epo-rettosha-ku ; epo-retto . sha-ku](n) epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum); blind shark[Add to Longdo]
[epourettosha-ku](n) epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum)[Add to Longdo]
[o-shanikkuhowaitoteippusha-ku ; o-shanikku . howaitoteippu . sha-ku](n) oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)[Add to Longdo]
[o-sutorarian . ma-buru . kyattosha-ku ; o-sutorarianma-burukyattosha-ku](n) Australian marbled catshark (Atelomycterus macleayi, species endemic to Australia)[Add to Longdo]
[o-sutorariansuuerusha-ku](n) Australian swellshark (Cephaloscyllium laticeps, species of catshark which inhabits the continental shelf of southern Australia)[Add to Longdo]
[karibianri-fusha-ku ; karibian . ri-fu . sha-ku](n) Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezii, species of requiem shark found in the tropical waters of the western Atlantic Ocean from Florida to Brazil)[Add to Longdo]
[kariforuniasuuerusha-ku ; kariforunia . suueru . sha-ku](n) (See アメリカナヌカザメ) swellshark (Cephaloscyllium ventriosum, species of catshark in the Eastern Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[kuresuteddoho-nsha-ku](n) crested bullhead shark (Heterodontus galeatus, found in eastern Australia)[Add to Longdo]
[gureiri-fusha-ku ; gurei . ri-fu . sha-ku](n) grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos, species of Indo-Pacific requiem shark)[Add to Longdo]
[sandoba-sha-ku ; sandoba-. sha-ku](n) (See ヤジブカ) sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus, a species of requiem shark)[Add to Longdo]
[sha-kusukin](n) shark skin; (P)[Add to Longdo]
[shiruki-. sha-ku ; shiruki-sha-ku](n) silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis, species of circumtropical requiem shark)[Add to Longdo]
[shiruba-sha-ku ; shiruba-. sha-ku](n) silver shark (Balantiocheilos melanopterus); Bala shark; tricolor shark; shark minnow[Add to Longdo]
[shirowani ; sandotaiga-sha-ku](n) sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus)[Add to Longdo]
[su-pufinsha-ku ; su-pufin . sha-ku](n) (See イコクエイラクブカ) tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus); soupfin shark[Add to Longdo]
[supia-tou-su . sha-ku ; supia-tou-susha-ku](n) speartooth shark (Glyphis glyphis, species of fresh water requiem shark from the western Pacific known only from the original description of 1839)[Add to Longdo]
[supina-sha-ku ; supina-. sha-ku](n) spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna); long-nose grey shark[Add to Longdo]
[taiga-sha-ku](n) tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)[Add to Longdo]
[na-suhaundo ; na-suhaundosha-ku ; sukiriorainusu . suterarisu ; sukiriorainususuter](n) nursehound (Scyliorhinus stellaris, species of catshark in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean)[Add to Longdo]
[hanma-heddosha-ku ; hanma-heddo . sha-ku](n) hammerhead shark[Add to Longdo]
[baru-nsha-ku](n) balloon shark (Cephaloscyllium sufflans, species of catshark from the western Indian Ocean)[Add to Longdo]
[hiragashira ; mirukusha-ku](n) milk shark (Rhizoprionodon acutus, species of requiem shark found in the eastern Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[furirudosha-ku ; furirudo . sha-ku](n) frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus)[Add to Longdo]
[burakkuteippu . ri-fu . sha-ku ; burakkuteippuri-fusha-ku](n) (See 妻黒・1) blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus, species of requiem shark mostly found in the Indo-Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[burusha-ku ; buru . sha-ku](n) bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)[Add to Longdo]
[buro-dono-zu . sebungiru . sha-ku ; buro-dono-zusebungirusha-ku](n) (See えびすざめ) broadnose sevengill shark (Notorynchus cepedianus, species of circumglobal cow shark with 7 gill slits)[Add to Longdo]
[ho-nsha-ku ; kariforunianekozame](n) horn shark (Heterodontus francisci, a bullhead shark from the Eastern Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[howaitochi-kusha-ku ; howaitochi-ku . sha-ku](n) whitecheek shark (Carcharhinus dussumieri, species of the Indo-West Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[howaitochippuri-fusha-ku ; howaitochippu . ri-fu . sha-ku](n) whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus, species of Indo-Pacific requiem shark)[Add to Longdo]
[porukadotto . kyattosha-ku ; porukadottokyattosha-ku](n) polkadot catshark (Scyliorhinus besnardi, species from northern Uruguay)[Add to Longdo]
[rekuiemusha-ku ; rekuiemu . sha-ku](n) requiem shark[Add to Longdo]
[reddote-ruburakkusha-ku ; reddote-ru . burakku . sha-ku](n) red-tailed black shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor)[Add to Longdo]
[reteikyureiteiddosuuerusha-ku](n) reticulated swellshark (Cephaloscyllium fasciatum, species of catshark from the Western Pacific)[Add to Longdo]
[repa-dosha-ku ; reopa-dosha-ku ; kariforuniadochizame](n) leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata, species found along the Pacific coast of North America)[Add to Longdo]
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