v. i. [ L. desquamatus, p. p. of desquamare to scale off; de- + squama scale. ] (Med.) To peel off in the form of scales; to scale off, as the skin in certain diseases. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Cf. F. desquamation. ] (Med.) The separation or shedding of the cuticle or epidermis in the form of flakes or scales; exfoliation, as of bones.
n. (Surg.) An instrument formerly used in removing the laminæ of exfoliated bones. [ 1913 Webster ]
a. Squamose. [ 1913 Webster ]
‖n. pl. [ NL., fr. L. squamatus scaly. ] (Zool.) A division of edentates having the body covered with large, imbricated horny scales. It includes the pangolins. [ 1913 Webster ]