[さんぞくのつみ, sanzokunotsumi](n) (obsc) (See 三族) crime for which one's three types of relatives will be punished; crime implicating one's relatives of all three types[Add to Longdo]
[さんずる, sanzuru](vz, vi) (1) (hum) (See 参じる・1, 参る・1) to come; to go; (2) (See 参じる・2) to participate; (3) (See 参じる・3) to perform Zen meditation[Add to Longdo]
[さんずる, sanzuru](vz) (1) to scatter; to disperse; (2) to spend on; to squander (e.g. one's fortune); (3) to chase away (e.g. one's worries); to kill (pain)[Add to Longdo]