(n)small slow-growing deciduous shrubby tree of dry sandy barrens of southeastern United States having leaves with bristle-tipped lobes resembling turkey's toes, Syn.Quercus laevis, turkey oak
(n)large slow-growing deciduous tree of the eastern United States having stout spreading branches and leaves with usually 7 rounded lobes; yields strong and durable hard wood, Syn.Quercus alba
(n)medium to large deciduous tree of the eastern United States; its durable wood is used as timber or split and woven into baskets or chair seats, Syn.cow oak, Quercus montana, Quercus prinus
(n)a common scrubby deciduous tree of central and southeastern United States having dark bark and broad three-lobed (club-shaped) leaves; tends to form dense thickets, Syn.Quercus marilandica, jack oak, blackjack
(n)medium to large deciduous timber tree of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada having dark outer bark and yellow inner bark used for tanning; broad five-lobed leaves are bristle-tipped, Syn.Quercus velutina, quercitron, yellow oak, quercitron oak
(n)small semi-evergreen shrubby tree of southeastern United States having hairy young branchlets and leaves narrowing to a slender bristly point, Syn.Quercus incana, turkey oak
(n)medium to large deciduous oak of central and eastern North America with ovoid acorns deeply immersed in large fringed cups; yields tough close-grained wood, Syn.mossy-cup oak, mossycup oak, burr oak, Quercus macrocarpa
(n)highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves, Syn.California live oak, Quercus agrifolia
(n)medium to large deciduous European oak having smooth leaves with rounded lobes; yields hard strong light-colored wood, Syn.English oak, pedunculate oak, Quercus robur
(n)medium-sized evergreen oak of southern Europe and northern Africa having thick corky bark that is periodically stripped to yield commercial cork, Syn.Quercus suber
(n)a low spreading or prostrate shrub of southwestern United States with small acorns and leaves resembling those of the huckleberry, Syn.Quercus vaccinifolia
(n)a small shrubby evergreen tree of western North America similar to the coast live oak but occurring chiefly in foothills of mountain ranges removed from the coast; an important part of the chaparral, Syn.Quercus wizlizenii, Quercus wislizenii
(n)small evergreen shrub or tree of southeastern United States; often forms almost impenetrable thickets in sandy coastal areas, Syn.seaside scrub oak, Quercus myrtifolia
(n)large symmetrical deciduous tree with rounded crown widely distributed in eastern North America; has large leaves with triangular spiny tipped lobes and coarse-grained wood less durable than that of white oaks, Syn.Quercus borealis, Quercus rubra
(n)medium-large deciduous timber tree of central and southern United States; acorns deeply immersed in the cup and mature in first year, Syn.Quercus lyrata
(n)fast-growing medium to large pyramidal deciduous tree of northeastern United States and southeastern Canada having deeply pinnatifid leaves that turn bright red in autumn; thrives in damp soil, Syn.swamp oak, Quercus palustris
(n)small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having dark green lyrate pinnatifid leaves and tough moisture-resistant wood used especially for fence posts, Syn.iron oak, box white oak, brash oak, Quercus stellata
(n)medium-large deciduous tree with a thick trunk found in the eastern United States and southern Canada and having close-grained wood and deeply seven-lobed leaves turning scarlet in autumn, Syn.Quercus coccinea
(n)small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having leaves that shine like laurel; wood is used in western states for shingles, Syn.laurel oak, Quercus imbricaria
(n)large deciduous red oak of southern and eastern United States having large seven-lobed to nine-lobed elliptical leaves, large acorns and medium hard coarse-grained wood, Syn.Quercus shumardii, Shumard red oak
(n)medium-sized evergreen native to eastern North America to the east coast of Mexico; often cultivated as shade tree for it wide-spreading crown; extremely hard tough durable wood once used in shipbuilding, Syn.Quercus virginiana
(n)large round-topped deciduous tree with spreading branches having narrow falcate leaves with deeply sinuate lobes and wood similar to that of northern red oaks; New Jersey to Illinois and southward, Syn.swamp red oak, turkey oak, Quercus falcata
(n)large deciduous oak of the eastern United States with a flaky bark and leaves that have fewer lobes than other white oaks; yields heavy strong wood used in construction; thrives in wet soil, Syn.swamp oak, Quercus bicolor
(n)relatively tall deciduous water oak of southeastern United States often cultivated as a shade tree; thrives in wet soil, Syn.possum oak, Quercus nigra