[ごっつんとう, gottsuntou](n) (sl) stealing a car by rear-ending it lightly and having a friend jump in and drive off after the driver gets out[Add to Longdo]
[おとっつぁん(御父つぁん);おとっつあん(御父つあん), otottsuan ( o chichi tsuan ); otottsuan ( o chichi tsuan )](n) (uk) father (term commonly used until the end of the Meiji period); Dad[Add to Longdo]
[とっつく, tottsuku](v5k, vi) (1) to cling to; to hold on to; to hold fast to; (2) to set about doing; to begin; to commence; to undertake; (3) (of an illness, demon, etc.) to take hold of; to possess; to haunt; (4) to approach (a person); to deal with (someone)[Add to Longdo]