(n)a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal; the highest mountain peak in the world (29, 028 feet high), Syn.Mount Everest, Mt. Everest
(n)an active volcano in the Cascade Range in southwestern Washington; erupted violently in 1980 after 123 years of inactivity, Syn.Mount St. Helens, Mt. St. Helens
(n)a mountain peak in northeast Greece near the Aegean coast; believed by ancient Greeks to be the dwelling place of the gods (9, 570 feet high), Syn.Olimbos, Mt. Olympus, Mount Olympus
(n)a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota; the likenesses of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln and Roosevelt are carved on it, Syn.Mt. Rushmore, Mount Rushmore
(n)a volcano in southwestern Italy on the Mediterranean coast; a Plinian eruption in 79 AD buried Pompeii and killed Pliny the Elder; last erupted in 1944, Syn.Mt. Vesuvius, Mount Vesuvius
[けんがみね, kengamine](n) (1) rim of a volcano, esp. Mt. Fuji; (2) ring used in sumo; (3) dire or risky situation with no room for error; sink-or-swim position[Add to Longdo]