n. [ Gr. &unr_; angel + &unr_; service, worship. ] Worship paid to angels. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Gr.
n. [ Astro- + Gr. &unr_; service, worship: cf. F. astrolâtrie. ] The worship of the stars. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Auto- + Gr. &unr_; worship. ] Self-worship. Farrar. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. See Balladry. [ Obs. ] Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Gr.
n. [ Gr.
n. [ Gr.
n. [ Gr.
The Geological Series. ☞ The science of geology, as treating of the history of the globe, involves a description of the different strata which compose its crust, their order of succession, characteristic forms of animal and vegetable life, etc. The principal subdivisions of geological time, and the most important strata, with their relative positions, are indicated in the following diagram.
n. [ Gr.
The sentimental gyneolatry of chivalry, which was at best but skin-deep. Lowell. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Gr.
n. [ Helio- + Gr. &unr_; service, worship. ] Sun worship. See Sabianism. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Gr.
n. [ Gr.
n. [ See Iconolater. ] The worship of images as symbols; -- distinguished from
n. [ Idio- + Gr. &unr_; to worship. ] Self-worship; excessive self-esteem. [ 1913 Webster ]
His eye surveyed the dark idolatries
Of alienated Judah. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Litho- + Gr. &unr_; worship. ] The worship of a stone or stones. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Lord + -olatry, as in idolatry. ] Worship of, or reverence for, a lord as such. [ Jocose ] [ 1913 Webster ]
But how should it be otherwise in a country where lordolatry is part of our creed? Thackeray. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Gr. &unr_; Mary + &unr_; worship. ] The worship of the Virgin Mary. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. Mariolatry. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Mono- + Gr. &unr_; worship. ] Worship of a single deity. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Gr.
n. [ Gr.
n. [ Gr.
n. Prelaty; prelacy. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Pyro- + Gr. &unr_; worship: cf. F. pyrolâtrie. ] The worship of fire. Young. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Gr.
The thaumatolatry by which our theology has been debased for more than a century. Hare. [ 1913 Webster ]
n. [ Zoo- + Gr. &unr_; worship. ] The worship of animals. [ 1913 Webster ]