(n)the first council of the Western Church held in the Lateran Palace in 1123; focused on church discipline and made plans to recover the Holy Lands from the Muslim `infidels'
(n)the Lateran Council in 1215 was the most important council of the Middle Ages; issued a creed against Albigensianism, published reformatory decrees, promulgated the doctrine of transubstantiation, and clarified church doctrine on the Trinity and Incarnation
(n)the agreement signed in the Lateran Palace in 1929 by Italy and the Holy See which recognized the Vatican City as a sovereign and independent papal state
n. The church and palace of St. John Lateran, the church being the cathedral church of Rome, and the highest in rank of all churches in the Catholic world. [ 1913 Webster ]
☞ The name is said to have been derived from that of the Laterani family, who possessed a palace on or near the spot where the church now stands. In this church several ecclesiastical councils, hence called Lateran councils, have been held. [ 1913 Webster ]