Er dachte dem Yale College weitere £500 zu, die aber nie ankamen, weil er sie versehentlich an die "Collegiate School" geschickt hatte, die nicht mehr existierte. Offenbar hatte er vergessen, dass Yale nach ihm benannt war.But Not as Cute as Pushkin (2004)
a. [ L. collegiatus. ] Of or pertaining to a college; as, collegiate studies; a collegiate society. Johnson. [ 1913 Webster ]
Collegiate church. (a)A church which, although not a bishop's seat, resembles a cathedral in having a college, or chapter of canons (and, in the Church of England, a dean), as Westminster Abbey.(b)An association of churches, possessing common revenues and administered under the joint pastorate of several ministers; as, the Reformed (Dutch) Collegiate Church of New York. [ 1913 Webster ]