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wart; tumor; goiter; papule
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いぼ, ibo
ユ, ユウ, yu, yuu
いぼ, ibo
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And you're not too light on your feet. Now move!
ヘ淸 ムテ桄゚ 翔ホムヌ 矼 パ・ホン泚ヌ レ碆 ゙マ肬゚ ハヘム゚
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
For ten years she plays the same numbers.
ン・ヌ瞠蓙ヌハ ヌ瞽ヤム ヌ眦ホ樰ノ 瞽ネハ 萬モ ヌ瞋゙肬・マヌニ翩
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- That cut deep? - How would I know?
裔 衵ヌ ヌ睥ムヘ レ肬゙ ゚泚 硼 ヌ・ヌレムン
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Any way to get in or out of there? - There's a vent shaft every two miles.
裔 マホ・ヌヘマ ヌ・ホムフ 聿 裝ヌ 蒂・裝ヌ゚ 耒ムフ ゚・肬硼ä
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I should have seen it comin'. This was never about revenge.
゚ヌ・レ硼 ムト栁 ミ矚 ゙ヌマ翩 聿ミ 肬畚Nヌ蒟 矼 涇・ヌネマヌ ヌ萍゙ヌ翩
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
They said he was a jolly old fat guy with a snowy white beard.
蒂・゙ヌ礦ヌ ヌ蒟 ゚ヌ・ヤホユ ンムヘ 耨・・モ肬・ミ・睿栁 ネ櫢ヌチ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Front desk?
褊ヌ ヌ碆 ヌ矼゚ハネ ヌ眦翩肬
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Now, do you have the communiqué?
ヌ眥・裔 睹涇 ヌ睚桒・ヌ瞋モ肬
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Boom. - There's a bomb in the trash!
ネ跂 裝ヌ矚 ゙菠睨 ン・ヌ矗翩翹 ヌ菠リヘ貮 フ肬レヌ ヌ菠リヘ貮
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Get his feet.
ヌ耨゚ ゙マ肬å
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Goes for about 60 miles.
橆樰 ヘ貮硼 60 肬睇
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
The payphone beyond Hope, Tompkins Square Park.
ヌ砒ヌハン ヌ瞽肆肬 ホ矍 聿ハメ・モヌヘノ 褂ネ ハ跂゚淸メ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
We're gonna have a race. So when I say go, I want you all to run like crazy.
モ涇趾 睹淸ヌ ヤ枻 ゚ヌ瞠ネヌ゙ 瞎ヌ ヘ淸 ヌ゙趁 褊ヌ テム榘゚・フ肬レヌ ヌ・ ハム゚ヨ貮 ゚ヌ矼フヌ蓖ä
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Simply say there was a fat woman on it and it took you a minute to get her off.
ネヌ聲ヌ葹ヌ・バ趁 ヌ蒟 ネネモヌリノ ゚ヌ萍 裝ヌ゚ ヌ耜テノ モ肬菲 ・瞑聲 マ゙洄ノ 矣ハホ瞰 聿衂
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- It's a public phone. What can I say?
ヌ葮ム ヌ蒟 衂ハン レ肆肬 翩ミヌ ハム榘蓖 ヌ・ヌ゙趁
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Uncle, you'd better come look at this. - What?
レ肬 ハレヌ・・ヌ葮ム ヌ碆 ミ矚 翩ミヌ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
We drill the hinges. Get everybody out.
モ赧 萢゙ネ ヌ矼ンユ睇ハ テホムフ ヌ睥肬レ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I was workin' on a fat suspension, smokin' cigarettes and watchin' Captain Kangaroo.
゚萍 テレ聶 レ聶ヌ フ肬睇 テマホ・・ヌヤヌ袞 耨瞠・ヌ矚ヌネハ・゚葩ヌムæ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Everybody up, please. Teachers, help them.
ン裙ハ譱ヌ睥肬レ ・゙赧ヌ 聿 ンヨ矚綵Nヌ淲ヌ ヌ眦モヌハミノ ヌムフ・ヌ・ハモヌレマ趾ヌ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Walsh, what's goin' on? Why'd everybody tear out of here?
貮瞞 翩 ヌ瞎・﨓ム偆N矼 睇 﨔ムフ ヌ睥肬レ 聿 裝ヌ゚
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
One white cop gets killed today, tomorrow we got a thousand white cops, all of 'em with itchy trigger fingers.
ヌ硼跂 淏賁 ヤムリ・ヌネ櫢 贔マヌ 氿衽 砌ヌ ヌ矍 ヤムリ偆Nフヌ袵趾 矣ム肬
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Come on, Pamela, look at your watch. It's shift change.
褊ヌ ネヌ肬睇 ヌ葮ム・ヌ碆 モヌレパ ヌ蒟 ゙ヌマ・レ蔆 ハロ澵ム ヌ睹贄桒ハ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Follow Saw Mill River Parkway. It's about 20 miles.
ン゙リ ヌハネレ リム洄 ヨンノ モ・翩涖 ヌ蒟ヌ レ碆 ネレマ 20 肬á
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Stop that racial shit. Are you a locksmith or not?
裔ヌ ゚ンンハ 衵・ヌ睫ンヌ衂ハ ヌ瞽蒄ム栁 裔 ヌ萍 礦゚ モ肬ヒ ヌ・睇
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Holy shit. Is that guy dead?
桒 ヌ砒偆N裔 褂 肬ハ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Simon says get to the payphone next to the news kiosk in Wall Street station by 10:20, or the number 3 train and its passengers vaporise.
洄趁 モヌ淏趾 ヌミ衒 ヌ碆 ヌ砒ヌハン ヌ瞽肆肬 ネヌ矗ムムネ 聿 ヌ矚ヤ゚ ン・耋リノ 貮・モハム桄 レ蔆10 ・20 蒄ン モヌレノ ヌ・桄ネホム ヌ矗リヌム ム゙・ ・ム゚ヌネå
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Everybody knows you like pansies. - It's not that kind of emotion.
ヌ睥肬レ 汜ムン ヌ蓖 ヌヘネ ヌメ衂ム ヌ睛ヌ礦ヒ硼モ 衵ヌ ヌ砌賍 聿 ヌ矼ヤヌレム
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- You a truck driver?
ヌ萍 モヌニ゙ ヤヌヘ菲 ヌ萇 ヌレ聶 ン・ヌ睫フ肬á
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Let's get something straight. I'm the only one on police business.
砌贍ヘ ヌ眦耜 ヌ萇 ヌ礦ヘ榘 ネ肄翹 ムモ肬ノ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Every cop in 50 miles is runnin' his ass off and I'm playing kids' games in the park.
゚・ヤムリ・ン・耄ヌ・50 肬・淸゙ミ 萬モ藹N・ヌ萇 裝ヌ ヌ瞽ネ 瞽ネノ ヌ趁ヌマ ン・ヌ矼萍メå 褊å
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- What's he gonna tell you? "I'm dead"?
ヘモ萇 翩ミヌ モ﨔ネム゚ "テ萇 肬ハ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Insurance fraud.
ホマヌレ 矣ハテ肬ä
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
The bean- counters worry about overtime, so we sent everybody back to the precinct to punch out.
ヌ瞽翩・゙矗趾 レ碆 モヌレヌハ ヌ瞽聶 ヌ睇ヨヌン栁 瞎ヌ テムモ砌ヌ ヌ睥肬レ 裝ヌ゚ 矣ヤムネ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I recommend we get everybody, and I mean everybody - police, transit, sanitation, fire, even the goddamn librarians - and we start searching schools, and I mean right now.
ヌ眥・テ贏・ヌ・洄跂 ヌ睥肬レ ・テレ蓖 ヌ睥肬レ テハヘマヒ レ・ヌ瞞ムリノ ・ヌ睫ムヌ萪桄 ・ヌ睇モレヌン ・ヌ睇リンヌチ ヘハ・テ聿ヌチ ヌ矼゚ハネヌハ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
My phone number is 555 and the answer.
ム゙肬 555 ・ヌ睥貮ネ 矚蓖 矼
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Get your legs outta the way! Sorry.
ヌネレマ ゙マ肬゚ レ・ヌ瞿ム洄 ツモン ツモン
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Now, John, there's a significant amount of explosive in the trash receptacle next to you.
ヌ眥・桒 フ趾 ハ賣マ ゚肬ノ ゚ネ樰ノ 聿 ヌ矼ハンフムヌハ ン・ロ睇ン ヌ矗翩翹 ネフヌ菠゚
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Hey, McClane. Where the hell is everybody?
褊 翩゚硼臀Nテ淸 ヌ睥肬レ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I threw his little brother off the 32nd floor of Nakatomi Towers out in LA.
矗マ ム肬ハ ネテホ淲 ヌ瞰ロ樰 聿 ヌ瞿ヌネ゙ 32 聿 ヌネムヌフ 萇゚ヌハ跂・ン・礦モ ヌ萠礦モ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
He didn't say "Jesus", he said, "Hey, Zeus". My name is Zeus. - Zeus?
゙ヌ礦ヌ メ贊 ヌモ肬 メ贊 メ贊
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
What? Federal Reserve gold, they took a shitload.
翩ミヌ 裝ヌ゚ ミ衒 ン・ヌ睇ヘハ桒リ・ヌ矍榘ムヌ硼 ・゙マ ヌホミ貮 ゚肬ノ ゚ネ樰ノ 聿å
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Go, go, go! Hip-hop, hip-hop. Come on, everybody.
ヌミ衒 ヌミ衒 褊ヌ ヌ萍・フ肬レヌ 褊ヌ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I repeat - Nils is dead, fuckhead. So is his pal.
テ゚ムム 蓖瞑 ゙マ 翩ハ ゚ミ矚 メ肬砒
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- We got him. It's a payphone.
ヌ蒟 衂ハン レ肆肬 ン・テ贊礦
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Yo, Uncle. - Come look at this.
褊・ヌ萍 桒 レ肬 ヌ葮ム ヌ碆 衵ヌ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Why don't you just run over everybody in the street?
矼 睇 ハマ衲 ヌ睥肬レ ン・ヌ瞿ム洄 ヌ淲ヌ ヌ眦ムレä
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Hauptmann Walter, where are my pigeons now? Pigeons?
ヌ淸 褊 ヘ翩ニ肬 ヌ眥臀Nヘ翩ニ肬
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
The park is over two miles away, so you guys better get running.
・聿ハメ・モヌヘノ ハ跂゚淸メ ネレ榘ノ 莽・肬硼臀N瞎ヌ ヌンヨ・矚翩 ヌ・ハ蒭矗ヌ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Yeah. It's not my blood.
蒂・蒂・ヌ蒟 硼モ マ肬 翩ミヌ 﨓ム・ハヘハ ネベ ヌ瞠翩チ
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
You got the flashlight? Murphy, come on. You too.
裔 聚゚ ヌ矼ユネヌヘ ハレヌ・ヌ萍 ヌ櫢ヌ 桒 肬ムンí
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
ทราบความหมายของคำศัพท์นี้? กด เพื่อใส่คำนี้พร้อมความหมาย เพื่อเป็นวิทยาทานแก่ผู้ใช้ท่านอื่น ๆ