[よもぎ, yomogi](n) (1) Japanese mugwort (Artemisia princeps, Artemisia indica var. maximowiczii); (2) general term for plants in the Artemisia genus; mugwort; sagebrush; wormwood#17890[Add to Longdo]
[ヨモギぞく(ヨモギ属;ヨモギ屬);よもぎぞく(蓬属), yomogi zoku ( yomogi zoku ; yomogi zoku ); yomogizoku ( yomogi zoku )](n) (See 蓬, アルテミシア属) Artemisia (genus of a between 200 to 400 species of plants in the daisy family Asteraceae)[Add to Longdo]
[あさのなかのよもぎ, asanonakanoyomogi](exp) if even the most crooked person is surrounded by good people, he will straighten up as does mugwort growing in a hemp field[Add to Longdo]