[だじょうかん;だいじょうかん;おおいまつりごとのつかさ, dajoukan ; daijoukan ; ooimatsurigotonotsukasa](n) (1) (だじょうかん, だいじょうかん only) Grand Council of State (1868-1885 CE); (2) (usu. だいじょうかん) (See 律令制) Department of State (under the ritsuryo system)#16081[Add to Longdo]
[おたうえまつり, otauematsuri](n) (1) shrine ritual held with the first two months of the year to forecast (or pray for) a successful harvest; (2) seasonal planting of rice on a field affiliated with a shrine[Add to Longdo]
[ふいごまつり, fuigomatsuri](n) Bellows Festival (festival for blacksmiths and foundries on the eighth day of the eleventh month of the lunar calendar, on which they would clean their bellows and pray)[Add to Longdo]
[ひまつり, himatsuri](n) (1) fire festival (often celebrating the absence of fires); (2) New Year's ritual at Izumo Shrine; (3) festival involving fire dedicated to the gods[Add to Longdo]
[さんのうまつり, sannoumatsuri](n) (1) (See 山王権現) Sannou Festival (Hie Shrine in Tokyo; June 15); (2) Sannou Festival (Hie Shrine in Shiga; April 14)[Add to Longdo]
[まんどころ;まどころ;まつりごとどころ, mandokoro ; madokoro ; matsurigotodokoro](n) (1) official in charge of the administration of domains and general affairs of powerful noble families (from the middle of the Heian period); (2) (hon) (abbr) (See 北の政所) titled lady (legal wife of an important official); (3) government office related to finances (Kamakura and Muromachi periods); (4) clerk working for large temples and shrines[Add to Longdo]
[だいじょうだいじん;だじょうだいじん;おおきおおいどの;おおきおおいもうちぎみ;おおきおとど;おおきまつりごとのおおまえつぎみ;おおまつりごとのおおまえつぎみ;おおいまつ, daijoudaijin ; dajoudaijin ; ookiooidono ; ookiooimouchigimi ; ookiotodo ; ookimats](n) Grand Minister; Chancellor of the Realm[Add to Longdo]
[だいじょうさい;おおにえのまつり;おおなめまつり, daijousai ; oonienomatsuri ; oonamematsuri](n) (See 新嘗祭) first ceremonial offering of rice by newly-enthroned Emperor[Add to Longdo]
[なかつかさしょう;ちゅうむしょう;なかのまつりごとのつかさ;なかのつかさ, nakatsukasashou ; chuumushou ; nakanomatsurigotonotsukasa ; nakanotsukasa](n) (See 律令制) Ministry of Central Affairs (under the ritsuryo system)[Add to Longdo]
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