[sukkiri](adv, adv-to, vs) (1) (on-mim) (See さっぱり) clearly; refreshed; (2) shapely; neatly; refinedly; (3) cleanly; without trouble; (4) (See はっきり) clearly; plainly; distinctly; (5) (See すっかり) completely; thoroughly; (6) (See さっぱり) not at all (with negative sentence); not even slightly; (P)#19379[Add to Longdo]
[それっきり, sorekkiri](n, adv) (1) (uk) (stronger version of それきり) (See それ切り) no more than that; with that; on that note; altogether; (2) since then; ending there[Add to Longdo]
[っきり, kkiri](prt) (1) (uk) (See 切り・きり・1) only; just; (2) (uk) (usu. in a negative sentence) since; (3) (uk) remaining (in a particular state)[Add to Longdo]
[おもいきり(思い切り;思いきり)(P);おもいっきり(思いっきり;思いっ切り)(P), omoikiri ( omoikiri ; omoi kiri )(P); omoikkiri ( omoikkiri ; omoi tsu kiri )(P)](adv, n) with all one's strength; with all one's heart; resignation; resolution; (P)[Add to Longdo]