  • (n) face (person); (P)[edict]
  • (n) (1) (arch) countenance; visage; (2) face; honor (honour); dignity[edict]
  • หน้า (คน)[longdojp]
  • (prt) (positive sentence end) I dare say; (negative sentence end) though, honestly[edict]
  • (suf,v5r) (1) to feel (on adj-stem to represent a third party's apparent emotion); (2) to behave as if one were[edict]
  • (n) scree[edict]
  • (adv-to) (1) (on-mim) thump; thud (dull sound representing something being hit); (2) severe; difficult; hard[edict]
  • (n) (1) {Buddh} obstinacy; (2) atman; the self; the ego[edict]
  • (n) picture; drawing; painting; sketch[edict]
  • (n) moth[edict]
  • (n) (See 賀の祝) congratulation[edict]
  • (n,adj-na) (1) (ant[edict]
  • (v5k,vi,vt) (1) to pull; (2) (See 注意を引く) to draw (attention, etc.); to attract (interest, etc.); (3) to draw back; (4) to draw (a card); (5) (See 図面を引く) to draw (plan, line, etc.); (6) (See 風邪を引く) to catch (cold); (7) (See 弾く・ひく) to play (string instr.); (8) (See 辞書を引く) to look up (e.g. dictionary); to consult; (v5k,vt) (9) (esp. 牽く) to haul; to pull (vehicles); (10) to subtract; (11) to ebb; to fade; (12) to descend (from); to inherit (a characteristic); (13) to quote; to raise (as evidence); (14) to lay (a cable); to draw (a cable); (P)[edict]
  • (v5k) to attract; to captivate[edict]
  • (v5k,vi) (1) (also written as 引く) to move back; to draw back; to recede; (2) to lessen; to subside; to ebb; (3) to resign; to retire; to quit; (P)[edict]
  • (v5k) to play (piano, guitar); (P)[edict]
  • (v5k,vt) (1) (挽く only) to saw; (2) to grind (e.g. coffee beans); to mill[edict]
  • (v5k,vt) to run somebody over (with vehicle); to knock someone down; (P)[edict]
  • ดึง, เล่น(เครื่องดนตรีมีสาย)[longdojp]
  • (adv-to) (on-mim) smoothly; with a slipping or sliding motion[edict]
  • (n) (1) bowstring; (2) string (of shamisen, guitar, violin, etc.); (3) (esp. 鉉) bail (arched pot handle); (4) (also written as 梁) (See 枡・1) diagonal levelling wire across the top of a masu; (P)[edict]
  • (v5r) (1) to hang; to suspend (something from something); to be hanged (by the neck); (2) to hoist an opponent off of his feet by his loincloth (sumo); (P)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) (1) to fish; to angle; to catch; (2) (See 釣られる) to lure in; to tempt; to attract; to entice; to allure; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (uk) shoots which grow in a helix around a support and climb with tendrils or suckers as opposed to vines; esp. hops, bindweed, runner bean, French bean and honeysuckles[edict]
  • (v5r) (uk) to cramp; to be cramped; to contract[edict]
  • (n) (1) measuring container; measure; (2) box (seating at a theatre, etc.); (3) square on a grid; cell of a grid; (4) (斗 only) square bearing block (at the top of a pillar); (P)[edict]
  • (v5s,vi,vt) to increase; to grow; (P)[edict]