- あがる
- (v5r,vi) (1) to rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised; (2) to enter (esp. from outdoors); to come in; to go in; (3) to enter (a school); to advance to the next grade; (4) to get out (of water); to come ashore; (5) (also written as 騰る in ref. to price) to increase; (6) to improve; to make progress; (7) to be promoted; to advance; (8) to be made (of profit, etc.); (9) to occur (esp. of a favourable result); (10) (often as 〜で上がる) to be adequate (to cover expenses, etc.); (11) to be finished; to be done; to be over; (12) (of rain) to stop; to lift; (13) to stop (working properly); to cut out; to give out; to die; (14) to win (in a card game, etc.); (15) (挙がる only) to be arrested; (16) (挙がる only) to turn up (of evidence, etc.); (17) (揚がる only) to be deep fried; (18) to be spoken loudly; (19) to get stage fright; (20) to be offered (to the gods, etc.); (21) (hum) to go; to visit; (22) (hon) to eat; to drink; (23) (esp. 挙がる) to be listed (as a candidate); (24) to serve (in one's master's home); (25) (in Kyoto) to go north; (suf,v5r) (26) (See 出来上がる・1) (after the -masu stem of a verb) indicates completion; (P)[edict]
- (prt) endorsing and questioning the preceding statement (sentence ending particle); lamenting reflections on the preceding statement (sentence ending particle)[edict]
- (prt) (1) although; when; and yet; despite this; in spite of; even though; but even so; but even then; however; nevertheless; for all that; notwithstanding that; (2) while; (3) if only; I wish; (4) I tell you; you should do; (5) in order to; (P)[edict]
- (suf,prt) (literary equiv. of だけ) only; nothing but; (P)[edict]
- (n) (See スラグ) slag[edict]
- (prt) (1) (uk) (occasionally ん) indicates possessive; (2) verb and adjective nominalizer (nominaliser); (3) substituting for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (4) (often ん) indicates a confident conclusion; (5) emotional emphasis (sentence end) (fem); (6) indicates question (sentence end); (P)[edict]
- (prt) (arch) possessive (used on tombs, etc.)[edict]
- (n,n-suf,ctr) (after a number in the hito-, futa-, mi- counting system) unit of measurement for cloth breadth (30-38 cm)[edict]
- (n) (1) (arch) shaft (of an arrow); (2) (arch) (See 矢竹・2) arrow bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica)[edict]
- (aux-adj) (1) (after the -masu stem of a verb) want to ... do something; would like to ...; (prt) (2) (kyu[edict]
- (exp) (abbr of ...ていたの) (See 乃・の・5,わ) (usu. sentence end) indicates emotion, admiration, emphasis, etc.[edict]
- (aux-v) (after a noun, usu. as 〜たる者, etc.) (See たり,たるや) (those) who are; (that) which is; often used in relation to qualifications and requirements for a position; in the capacity of[edict]
- (suf) (m-sl) (fam) (fem) (See ちゃん) (cute) suffix for familiar person[edict]
- (n-adv,n,adj-no) other (esp. people and abstract matters); (P)[edict]
- (n,pref) multi-; (P)[edict]
- (n) rice field; (P)[edict]