  • かみさま
  • (n) God; (P)[edict]
  • (prt) endorsing and questioning the preceding statement (sentence ending particle); lamenting reflections on the preceding statement (sentence ending particle)[edict]
  • (prt) (1) although; when; and yet; despite this; in spite of; even though; but even so; but even then; however; nevertheless; for all that; notwithstanding that; (2) while; (3) if only; I wish; (4) I tell you; you should do; (5) in order to; (P)[edict]
  • (suf,prt) (literary equiv. of だけ) only; nothing but; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (See スラグ) slag[edict]
  • (prt) (1) (uk) (occasionally ん) indicates possessive; (2) verb and adjective nominalizer (nominaliser); (3) substituting for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (4) (often ん) indicates a confident conclusion; (5) emotional emphasis (sentence end) (fem); (6) indicates question (sentence end); (P)[edict]
  • (prt) (arch) possessive (used on tombs, etc.)[edict]
  • (n,n-suf,ctr) (after a number in the hito-, futa-, mi- counting system) unit of measurement for cloth breadth (30-38 cm)[edict]
  • (n) (1) (arch) shaft (of an arrow); (2) (arch) (See 矢竹・2) arrow bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica)[edict]
  • (n) (pol) (See お宅・1) your home; your group; their home[edict]
  • (aux-v) (1) (non-五段 verbs, e.g. 食べよう) indicates speculation; (2) indicates will; (3) indicates invitation[edict]
  • (exp,prt) (compound particle used at sentence-end) ...isn't that right?[edict]
  • (adv,prt) (1) from; out of; since; at; (2) than; (3) other than; except; but; (4) more; (P)[edict]
  • (n) world; society; age; generation; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (arch) space between two nodes (on bamboo, etc.)[edict]
  • (n,suf) (1) (余 only) (also written as 餘) (See 以上・1) over; more than; (pn,adj-no) (2) (arch) formal or oratory first person pronoun; I[edict]
  • (n) will; volition; intention; intent; determination; (P)[edict]
  • (n) intention; purpose; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (arch) (See 遺児) orphan[edict]
  • (n) dying wish; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (historic) ruins[edict]
  • (n,adj-no) doctor; physician; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (1) stone; (2) gem; jewel; (P)[edict]
  • (n) traditional square chair with armrests and a torii-shaped back (used by the emperor, etc. during ceremonies)[edict]
  • (n,vs) suicide by hanging; hanging oneself[edict]
  • (n,vs) (See あごで使う・1) bossing someone around; having a person under one's control[edict]
  • หิน[longdojp]
  • (prt) endorsing and questioning the preceding statement (sentence ending particle); lamenting reflections on the preceding statement (sentence ending particle)[edict]
  • (prt) (1) although; when; and yet; despite this; in spite of; even though; but even so; but even then; however; nevertheless; for all that; notwithstanding that; (2) while; (3) if only; I wish; (4) I tell you; you should do; (5) in order to; (P)[edict]
  • (suf,prt) (literary equiv. of だけ) only; nothing but; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (See スラグ) slag[edict]
  • (prt) (1) (uk) (occasionally ん) indicates possessive; (2) verb and adjective nominalizer (nominaliser); (3) substituting for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (4) (often ん) indicates a confident conclusion; (5) emotional emphasis (sentence end) (fem); (6) indicates question (sentence end); (P)[edict]
  • (prt) (arch) possessive (used on tombs, etc.)[edict]
  • (n,n-suf,ctr) (after a number in the hito-, futa-, mi- counting system) unit of measurement for cloth breadth (30-38 cm)[edict]
  • (n) (1) (arch) shaft (of an arrow); (2) (arch) (See 矢竹・2) arrow bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica)[edict]
  • (n) (uk) small shrine[edict]
  • (n) God; (P)[edict]
  • (prt) endorsing and questioning the preceding statement (sentence ending particle); lamenting reflections on the preceding statement (sentence ending particle)[edict]
  • (prt) (1) although; when; and yet; despite this; in spite of; even though; but even so; but even then; however; nevertheless; for all that; notwithstanding that; (2) while; (3) if only; I wish; (4) I tell you; you should do; (5) in order to; (P)[edict]
  • (suf,prt) (literary equiv. of だけ) only; nothing but; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (See スラグ) slag[edict]
  • (prt) (1) (uk) (occasionally ん) indicates possessive; (2) verb and adjective nominalizer (nominaliser); (3) substituting for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (4) (often ん) indicates a confident conclusion; (5) emotional emphasis (sentence end) (fem); (6) indicates question (sentence end); (P)[edict]
  • (prt) (arch) possessive (used on tombs, etc.)[edict]
  • (n,n-suf,ctr) (after a number in the hito-, futa-, mi- counting system) unit of measurement for cloth breadth (30-38 cm)[edict]
  • (n) (1) (arch) shaft (of an arrow); (2) (arch) (See 矢竹・2) arrow bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica)[edict]
  • (n) (pol) (See お宅・1) your home; your group; their home[edict]
  • (aux-v) (1) (non-五段 verbs, e.g. 食べよう) indicates speculation; (2) indicates will; (3) indicates invitation[edict]
  • (exp,prt) (compound particle used at sentence-end) ...isn't that right?[edict]
  • (adv,prt) (1) from; out of; since; at; (2) than; (3) other than; except; but; (4) more; (P)[edict]
  • (n) world; society; age; generation; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (arch) space between two nodes (on bamboo, etc.)[edict]
  • (n,suf) (1) (余 only) (also written as 餘) (See 以上・1) over; more than; (pn,adj-no) (2) (arch) formal or oratory first person pronoun; I[edict]
  • (เธ) pron. เขาเหล่านั้น,พวกเขา,บุคคลทั่วไป,ประชาชนทั่วไป[hope]
  • พวกเขา[lex2]
  • (pro) เขาทั้งหลาย,พวกเขา[nontri]
  • (เร,รี) n. เสียงดนตรีเสียงหนึ่งในจำนวน7 prep. ในกรณี,เกี่ยวกับ,อนุสนธิ[hope]
  • หลัง: อีก[lex2]
  • คำย่อของ regarding[lex2]
  • กรณีของ (คำย่อของ in re): เกี่ยวกับ, ในเรื่อง[lex2]
  • สัญลักษณ์ย่อของธาตุเรเนียม rhenium[lex2]
  • (พี'เพิล) n. คน,ประชาชน,ประชากร,พลเมือง,ราษฎร,มนุษย์. ###S. population,folk,human,humanity[hope]
  • คน: ประชาชน, ประชากร[lex2]
  • คนในปกครอง[lex2]
  • สมาชิกในครอบครัว: คนในครอบครัว[lex2]
  • อาศัย: ตั้งรกราก, เข้าไปอยู่อาศัย[lex2]
  • (n) ประชาชน,ราษฎร,ครอบครัว,พลเมือง,พสกนิกร,คน[nontri]
  • (vt) ตั้งรกราก,เข้าไปอาศัย,บรรจุคน[nontri]
  • (เพร) vt. สวดมนต์,อธิษฐาน,ขอร้อง,วิงวอน,ภาวนา,ขอได้โปรด. ###SW. prayingly adv.[hope]
  • ภาวนา: สวดมนต์, อธิษฐาน[lex2]
  • (vt) สวดมนตร์,อ้อนวอน,โปรด,ภาวนา,ขอร้อง,อธิษฐาน[nontri]
  • (ทู) prep. ไปถึง,ถึง,ไปยัง,ไปสู่,ไปทาง,ไปถึง,มีความโน้มน้าว,จนถึง,จนกระทั่งถึง,บรรลุถึง,เข้ากับ,สนองตอบกัน,ตรงกัน,ให้,เพื่อ,เพื่อจะ,ในอันที่จะ,ตาม,ติดตาม, (คณิตศาสตร์) ยกกำลังถึง,ฟื้น,ฟื้นคืน,เฉพาะให้,เพราะ adv. ไปยัง,ไปถึง,ไปสู่,ฟื้น,ฟื้นคืน[hope]
  • ไปถึง: ถึง, ไปยัง, จนถึง, ตรงกันกับ, ให้, เพื่อ[lex2]
  • (pre) ยัง,ต่อ,เพื่อจะ,แก่,กับ,จน,ถึง,ตาม,ไปสู่[nontri]
  • (เธม) pron. กรรมของthey[hope]
  • พวกเขา (รูปกรรมของ they)[lex2]
  • (pro) เขาทั้งหลาย[nontri]