- (adv) (1) (on-mim) extremely cold feeling that makes one feel numb; sharp pain that is almost numbing; (2) heartrending; touching the heart[edict]
- (suf) (1) -ian (e.g. Italian, etc.) (attaches to name of country to denote nationality); -er (e.g. performer, etc.) (attaches to name of occupation); (2) (usu. in compound words) man; person; people; (P)[edict]
- (n) (1) {Buddh} defilement; impurity; affliction; (2) object (perceived with the mind or the senses); (3) one billionth[edict]
- (n,n-suf) (abbr) (See 尽日) last day (of the month)[edict]
- (n) battle formation; camp; encampment[edict]
- (n) ren (ancient Chinese measure of height, depth, etc.; between 1-3 meters)[edict]