  • (n) (arch) (See 蓮根) lotus root[edict]
  • (n) ash; ashes; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (1) bowing one's head (in respect or worship); worship; (n-suf) (2) (hon) (after one's own name at the end of a letter) respectfully yours[edict]
  • (n) (1) loss; defeat; (suf,ctr) (2) (ant[edict]
  • (n) lung; (P)[edict]
  • (n) group; gang; bunch[edict]
  • (n) (1) ancient oriental belt decoration; (suf,ctr) (2) (佩 only) counter for swords[edict]
  • (n) embryo (zoological or botanical); germ (e.g. wheat germ)[edict]
  • ใช่[longdojp]
  • (n) (1) {Buddh} vidya (wisdom); (2) (See 真言) mantra; (pref) (3) the coming (4th of July, etc.)[edict]
  • (n) Ming (dynasty of China, 1368-1644)[edict]
  • (n) (1) brightness; (2) clarity; acumen; (3) power of vision[edict]
  • (adv) (1) (arch) clearly; brightly; (2) cleanly; purely[edict]
  • (n) traditional sumo stew[edict]
  • (adv,n,vs) perfectly; properly; exactly; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (arch) (See 蓮根) lotus root[edict]
  • (n) ash; ashes; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (1) bowing one's head (in respect or worship); worship; (n-suf) (2) (hon) (after one's own name at the end of a letter) respectfully yours[edict]
  • (n) (1) loss; defeat; (suf,ctr) (2) (ant[edict]
  • (n) lung; (P)[edict]
  • (n) group; gang; bunch[edict]
  • (n) (1) ancient oriental belt decoration; (suf,ctr) (2) (佩 only) counter for swords[edict]
  • (n) embryo (zoological or botanical); germ (e.g. wheat germ)[edict]
  • ใช่[longdojp]
  • thorough; penetrating; to pervade; to pass through[cedict]
  • (n) traditional sumo stew[edict]
  • (adv,n,vs) perfectly; properly; exactly; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (See 小遣い) personal expenses; pocket money; spending money; incidental expenses; allowance[edict]
  • (prt) (1) (as …たり…たり, after the ren'youkei forms of multiple verbs) -ing and -ing (e.g. "coming and going"); (2) (used adverbially) doing such things as...; (3) (as …たり…たり at sentence-end, after the ren'youkei forms of a repeated verb) expresses a command; (aux-v) (4) (たり only) (arch) (from とあり) (See たる) (after a noun) to be; (5) (たり only) (arch) (from 〜てあり, after the ren'youkei form of a verb) indicates completion or continuation of an action; (P)[edict]
  • (prt) (1) (fam) marks wh-question (what, where, who); (2) (chn) strengthens one's judgment or conclusion; (P)[edict]
  • (exp) if it's the case; (P)[edict]
  • (prt) even[edict]
  • (suf,prt) and; or; and the like; and so forth; and what not; (P)[edict]
  • (exp) (1) (See でしょう) seems; I think; I guess; I wonder; I hope; (2) don't you agree?; I thought you'd say that!; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (col) (abbr) (See 友達) friend[edict]
  • (n) undercut (of a machined edge)[edict]
  • (pref) (1) (See 駄文・1) poor; low-grade; trivial; insignificant; worthless; (n-suf,ctr) (2) (See 一駄) load; pack; horse load; (n) (3) packhorse[edict]
  • (n) dui (one of the trigrams of the I Ching[edict]
  • (aux-v) (1) (non-五段 verbs, e.g. 食べよう) indicates speculation; (2) indicates will; (3) indicates invitation[edict]
  • (exp,prt) (compound particle used at sentence-end) ...isn't that right?[edict]
  • (adv,prt) (1) from; out of; since; at; (2) than; (3) other than; except; but; (4) more; (P)[edict]
  • (n) world; society; age; generation; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (arch) space between two nodes (on bamboo, etc.)[edict]
  • (n,suf) (1) (余 only) (also written as 餘) (See 以上・1) over; more than; (pn,adj-no) (2) (arch) formal or oratory first person pronoun; I[edict]