  • (prt) (arch) (See を) marks object of action, etc. (also adds emphasis)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) (See 採る・2) to harvest (a crop)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) (1) to adopt (measure, proposal); (2) to pick (e.g. fruit); to catch (e.g. insects); to take (e.g. a sample); (3) to assume (attitude); (4) to take on (i.e. hire); to engage; (P)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) (1) (esp. 撮る) to take (a photo); (2) (esp. 録る) to record (video, audio, etc.); to make (a film); (P)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) to take (trouble); to attend (to business); to command (army); (P)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) (1) to take; to pick up; to harvest; to earn; to choose; (2) (See 盗る) to steal; (3) (See 摂る) to eat; to have (a meal); (4) (also written as 脱る) to remove (one's glasses, etc.); (5) to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.); to play; (P)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) (See 取る・3) to have (lunch, etc.); to take (vitamins, etc.)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) (See 取る・2) to take (nuance of stealing)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) to take; to catch (fish); to capture; (P)[edict]
  • (conj) (col) (See と言うか) or rather (say); or better (say); or perhaps I should say; or, how should I put it,...; I mean[edict]
  • (prt) a sort of thing like; used after a phrase to modify the following noun[edict]
  • (prt) (1) (also でも, っても) even if; even though; (int) (2) (abbr) (See さても) wow[edict]
  • (n) (1) (occ. pronounced た when a prefix) (See お手・おて・1) hand; arm; (2) (col) (See お手・おて・3) forepaw; foreleg; (3) handle; (4) hand; worker; help; (5) trouble; care; effort; (6) means; way; trick; move; technique; workmanship; (7) hand; handwriting; (8) kind; type; sort; (9) (See 手に入る) one's hands; one's possession; (10) (See 手に余る) ability to cope; (11) hand (of cards); (12) (See 山の手・1) direction; (P)[edict]
  • (adv,int) (1) (See すでに) already; anymore; (2) soon; shortly; (3) more; further; other; again; (int,adv) (4) interjection used to strengthen expression of an emotion (often exasperation); (P)[edict]
  • (n) (from a reversal of くも) (See 雲・くも) cigarette; cig; smoke; fag[edict]
  • (int) excuse me! (when calling out to someone)[edict]
  • (adv) (abbr) (col) (See 勿論・もちろん) of course; for sure; definitely[edict]
  • (n) (abbr) {food} (See 臓物) entrails; giblets; guts; internal organs[edict]
  • (pref) (before a verb) (See もて囃す,もて扱う・1) emphatic prefix[edict]
  • (n) ancient skirt[edict]
  • (n,adj-no) mourning; (P)[edict]
  • (n) duckweed; seaweed; algae; (P)[edict]
  • (pn,adj-no) (1) (uk) (pol) (貴女 refers only to females and 貴男 refers only to males) you (referring to someone of equal or lower status); (2) (貴方, 貴男 only) dear (what a wife calls a husband); (P)[edict]
  • (int) (1) (pol) yes; (2) OK (used to get attention prior to an utterance); okay; (3) giddy-up; giddap; (P)[edict]
  • (v5r,aux-v,suf) (hon) (ksb[edict]
  • (suf) (ksb[edict]
  • (n) tooth; (P)[edict]
  • (n) edge (of a knife or sword); (P)[edict]
  • (n,n-suf) clique; faction; school; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (See 序破急) (in gagaku or noh) middle section of a song[edict]
  • (n) leaf; (P)[edict]
  • ใบไม้[longdojp]
  • (adj-na,n,vs) (1) (See 不満,不満足) satisfaction; (2) {math} (ant[edict]
  • (conj) thereupon; hereupon; (P)[edict]
  • (adv,adv-to) (on-mim) with a smooth, unhindered motion; speedily and without delay[edict]
  • (vs-i) (1) (uk) to do; (2) to cause to become; to make (into); to turn (into); (3) to serve as; to act as; to work as; (4) to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.); (5) (as 〜にする,〜とする) to judge as being; to view as being; to think of as; to treat as; to use as; (6) to decide on; to choose; (vs-i,vi) (7) (as 〜がする) to be sensed (of a smell, noise, etc.); (8) to be (in a state, condition, etc.); (9) to be worth; to cost; (10) to pass (of time); to elapse; (suf,vs-i) (11) verbalizing suffix (applies to nouns noted in this dictionary with the part of speech "vs"); (aux-v,vs-i) (12) (See お願いします,御・お) creates a humble verb (after a noun prefixed with "o" or "go"); (13) (as 〜うとする,〜ようとする) (See とする・1) to be just about to; to be just starting to; to try to; to attempt to; (P)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) (1) to print; (2) to color or pattern fabric using a wooden mold; (P)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) (1) to rub; to chafe; to strike (match); to file; to frost (glass); (2) to lose (e.g. a match); to forfeit; to squander one's money (e.g. through gambling, Pachinko, etc.); (P)[edict]
  • (v5r,vt) (See 掏摸) to pick someone's pocket[edict]
  • (exp) (pol) (See か・1) indicates question (sentence end)[edict]