good; well; proper; good to; easy to; very; so; (suffix indicating completion or readiness)[cedict]
to be fond of[cedict]
jīng yànㄐㄧㄥ ㄧㄢˋ
to experience; experience[cedict]
gào suㄍㄠˋ ㄙㄨ˙
to tell; to inform; to let know[cedict]
zǐ ㄗˇ
sūn ziㄙㄨㄣ ㄗ˙
Sun Wu 孫武|孙武, famous general, strategist and Legalist philosopher, contemporary with Confucius 孔子 (551-479 BC), author of the Art of War 孫子兵法|孙武兵法[cedict]