  • many; much; a lot of; numerous; multi-[cedict]
  • to sharpen; to delay; hardship; to grind; to rub[cedict]
  • grindstone[cedict]
  • Ali (proper name); Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (c. 600-661), cousin, aid and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed 穆罕默德, the fourth caliph 哈里發|哈里发 of Islam, reigned 656-661, and the first Imam 伊瑪目|伊玛目 of Shia Islam[cedict]
  • (interj.); ah[cedict]
  • an interjection; to express doubt or to question; to show realization; to stress[cedict]
  • (interj. for surprise)[cedict]
  • oh (interjection)[cedict]
  • (a modal particle showing affirmation, approval, or consent)[cedict]
  • many; much; a lot of; numerous; multi-[cedict]
  • เครื่องหมายอัศเจรีย์[hope]
  • unusual; extraordinary; extreme; very; exceptional[cedict]
fēi chángㄈㄟ ㄔㄤˊ
  • (express) thanks; gratitude; grateful; thankful; thanks[cedict]
gǎn xièㄍㄢˇ ㄒㄧㄝˋ
  • (v5k) (contraction of ..て or で plus 置く) to do something in readiness for; to get something (needful) done[edict]
  • (pref) (1) (ksb[edict]
  • (int) (See どうどう) whoa (command used to stop a horse, etc.)[edict]
  • (n) (abbr) (See 濁酒・どぶろく) unrefined sake[edict]
  • (n) cheap lodging or flophouse, especially in a skid row area or slum[edict]
  • (n-pref,n) (1) loafing; indolent; lazy; debauched; profligate; (int) (2) hey[edict]
  • (pref) (1) very; totally; (2) (See 殿・どの) polite suffix used after a person's name (often of an apprentice; used much more broadly in southern Kyushu); (n,adv-to) (3) bang (e.g. of large drum, signal pistol, etc.); with a thud; sound when slamming something down[edict]
  • (adj-na,n) blunder; bungle; clumsiness[edict]
  • (n,n-suf) (1) degree (angle, temperature, scale, etc.); (ctr) (2) counter for occurrences and times; (3) strength (of alcohol); (P)[edict]
  • (n) (1) (abbr) (See 土曜) Saturday; (2) (See 五行・1) earth (third of the five elements)[edict]
  • (int) (arch) (See うん) yea; uh huh[edict]
  • (int) (1) yeah; uh huh; (n-pref) (2) (also ん) some (at the start of a number in place of a digit); (P)[edict]
  • (aux-v) (1) (arch) (See んとする) will probably be; (2) intending to; will; (3) should[edict]
  • (ctr) counter for buildings, etc.[edict]
  • (n) (See 五音) fifth degree (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale)[edict]
  • (n) cormorant[edict]
  • (v2a-s,vt) (1) (See 得る・うる) to get; to acquire; to obtain; to procure; to earn; to win; to gain; to secure; to attain; (2) (as 〜することを得, etc.) to be possible[edict]
  • (n) {Buddh} bhava (becoming, existence)[edict]
  • (adv,int) (1) (See すでに) already; anymore; (2) soon; shortly; (3) more; further; other; again; (int,adv) (4) interjection used to strengthen expression of an emotion (often exasperation); (P)[edict]
  • (n) (from a reversal of くも) (See 雲・くも) cigarette; cig; smoke; fag[edict]
  • (int) excuse me! (when calling out to someone)[edict]
  • (adv) (abbr) (col) (See 勿論・もちろん) of course; for sure; definitely[edict]
  • (n) (abbr) {food} (See 臓物) entrails; giblets; guts; internal organs[edict]
  • (pref) (before a verb) (See もて囃す,もて扱う・1) emphatic prefix[edict]
  • (n) ancient skirt[edict]
  • (n,adj-no) mourning; (P)[edict]
  • (n) duckweed; seaweed; algae; (P)[edict]
  • (adv) (See 斯う,然う,如何・どう) like that (used for something or someone distant from both speaker and listener); so; (P)[edict]
  • (int) (arch) wow; whoa[edict]
  • (int) (fem) oh; ah; (P)[edict]
  • (pref) (1) sub-; (2) -ous (indicating a low oxidation state); -ite[edict]
  • (n) advantage; benefit; profit; interest; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (arch) an official[edict]
  • (n) (1) reason; principle; logic; (2) {Buddh} (See 事・じ) general principle (as opposed to individual concrete phenomenon); (3) (in neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles of the cosmos; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (1) ri (old Japanese unit of distance, approx. 3.927km or 2.44 miles); (2) (See 郷里制,国郡里制) neighbourhood (under the ritsuryo system; orig. of 50 homes); (3) (See 条里制) unit of area (approx. 654m by 654m); (P)[edict]
  • (n) li (one of the trigrams of the I Ching[edict]
  • (prt) (positive sentence end) I dare say; (negative sentence end) though, honestly[edict]
  • (suf,v5r) (1) to feel (on adj-stem to represent a third party's apparent emotion); (2) to behave as if one were[edict]
  • (n) scree[edict]
  • (adv-to) (1) (on-mim) thump; thud (dull sound representing something being hit); (2) severe; difficult; hard[edict]
  • (n) (1) {Buddh} obstinacy; (2) atman; the self; the ego[edict]
  • (n) picture; drawing; painting; sketch[edict]
  • (n) moth[edict]
  • (n) (See 賀の祝) congratulation[edict]
  • (n,adj-na) (1) (ant[edict]
  • (prt,conj) among other things; such things as; or something like that; (P)[edict]
  • (n) regular (stops at every station) Jouetsu-line Shinkansen[edict]
  • (prt) (1) even; (2) even if; even though; (3) because of; on the grounds that[edict]
  • (prt) indicates word or phrase being defined; (P)[edict]
  • (n) (sl) last (in a contest)[edict]
  • (prt) (1) certainly; of course; to be sure; surely; (2) even if; no matter (who, what, when, where, why, how); though; although; (3) (with neg. verb) without even; without so much as; (4) (after an adverb) (See 遅くとも) at the (least, earliest, etc.); (5) (sometimes esp. an emphatic form of the particle と) (See と・1,と・2,と・3,と・4) emphatic particle; (P)[edict]
  • (v5r) (equiv. of -ている indicating continuing action as a verb ending; poss. contraction of -て ending + おる auxiliary verb) is being[edict]
  • (n) fatty, more expensive tuna meat; (P)[edict]
  • (adv-to,adv) (on-mim) tap; knock; bonk[edict]
  • (n) (1) (戸 only) (See 扉) door (esp. Japanese-style); (2) (arch) entrance (to a home); (3) (arch) narrows; (P)[edict]
  • (suf) person[edict]
  • (n) party; set; gang[edict]
  • (n) (1) (obs) to (measure of volume, approx. 18 litres); (2) (See 枡形) square bearing block (at the top of a pillar); (3) (See 二十八宿) Chinese "Dipper" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (P)[edict]
  • (n) way; (P)[edict]
  • (n,adj-no) metropolitan; municipal[edict]
  • (int) (arch) (See うん) yea; uh huh[edict]
  • (int) (1) yeah; uh huh; (n-pref) (2) (also ん) some (at the start of a number in place of a digit); (P)[edict]
  • (aux-v) (1) (arch) (See んとする) will probably be; (2) intending to; will; (3) should[edict]
  • (ctr) counter for buildings, etc.[edict]
  • (n) (See 五音) fifth degree (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale)[edict]
  • (n) cormorant[edict]
  • (v2a-s,vt) (1) (See 得る・うる) to get; to acquire; to obtain; to procure; to earn; to win; to gain; to secure; to attain; (2) (as 〜することを得, etc.) to be possible[edict]
  • (n) {Buddh} bhava (becoming, existence)[edict]