- (n) (1) (See じゃん拳) rock (in rock, paper, scissors); (adv,n) (2) (See ぐうの音も出ない) sound made through constricted throat; (3) sound made in suffering or under adversity[edict]
- (suf,v5m) (after a noun) (See 芽ぐむ,涙ぐむ) to appear; to start to appear; to show signs of appearing[edict]
- (n) accomplice; cohort[edict]
- (n,n-suf) (1) tool; means; ingredients; (ctr) (2) counter for armor (armour), suits, sets of furniture; (P)[edict]
- (n,adj-na) (1) foolishness; silliness; stupidity; folly; (2) (arch) (hum) I; me; (P)[edict]
- (n) (1) (See じゃん拳) rock (in rock, paper, scissors); (adv,n) (2) (See ぐうの音も出ない) sound made through constricted throat; (3) sound made in suffering or under adversity[edict]
- (suf,v5m) (after a noun) (See 芽ぐむ,涙ぐむ) to appear; to start to appear; to show signs of appearing[edict]
- (n) accomplice; cohort[edict]
- (n,n-suf) (1) tool; means; ingredients; (ctr) (2) counter for armor (armour), suits, sets of furniture; (P)[edict]
- (n,adj-na) (1) foolishness; silliness; stupidity; folly; (2) (arch) (hum) I; me; (P)[edict]
- (adv) (1) so; really; seeming; (adj-na,suf) (2) (after masu stem and adj-stem) appearing that; seeming that; looking like; having the appearance of; (P)[edict]
- (n) (1) slip-up; miss; (2) waste; wasteful or pointless action[edict]
- (adv-to) (See そよ風) with a slight (breeze)[edict]
- (conj,exp) look!; look out!; look at me![edict]
- (int) there! (used to call someone's attention to something)[edict]
- (n,adj-na) (1) sparse; (2) not close (of a relationship)[edict]
- (n) ancestor; forefather; progenitor; (P)[edict]
- (adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) plain, white silk; (2) {math} (See 互いに素) prime; (P)[edict]
- (n) altar of sacrifice[edict]
- (n) (See 癰) type of carbuncle[edict]